riolu deosn't learn this move, but lucario does, you have to evolve once you beet darkria and go to electavire and go under remember and aura sphere will be under it [P.S. if your starter Pokemon is a riolu the only way to evolve is with a sun ribbin which is hard to get, so to make it easy go to this website www. Pokemon explorers of the sky wonder mail s generater .com
There is a site posted on Google for Wonder Mail S Generators of Explorers Of Sky.
kecleon shop
they ask you if they can be on the tam
Yes, but only in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
No, Riolu was only made playable in Explorers of the Sky.
You can't! You can only get Riolu in Explorers of the Sky.
No,but when Explorers of Sky comes out you can.
yes. yes u can
The main difference between Pokemon Explorers of the Sky and Pokemon Explorers of Time is that Explorers of the Sky is an enhanced version of Explorers of Time. Explorers of the Sky includes additional features such as new storylines, characters, dungeons, and Pokemon compared to Explorers of Time.
No there is not.
Riolu can be found in Crystal cave and its actually easy to find riolu, but it will take forever trying to recruit it
Riolu, Phanpy or vulpix
answer the questions until you get a sassy nature (riolu is only male)
you need to have explorers of the sky and answer the questions correctly to be riolu
no, Pokemon of the IQ group c cannot learn pp saver