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This is only for DS Pokemon games other then Ranger and Mystery Dungeon. It is held by a wild Pickachu. If you breed a Pickachu with a Light Ball, you will have a Pichu knowing volt tackle. This is an awesome move. Here's how you get it in each game.

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum:

Go to the Pokemon Mansion and look for wild Pickachus. Some of Pickachus will hold Light Balls.

Soul Silver and Heart Gold:

Catch a wild Pickachu in Virdian Forest. There is a 5% chance to catch a Pickachu with a Light Ball, so get a Pokemon that has the abilty to see a Pokemon's item. Some Bannetes have this ability. Good luck on your Adventure!

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Q: How do you get a light ball from using thief?
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Where do you get a light ball?

use thief on red's pickachu to steal a light ball

Chances of getting light ball on a wild Pikachu?

I do not know it but you can get it by trading your Pikachu from Generation 1 (Yellow). It is sure to have a Light Ball. My estimation is 5% by using 'Thief' on wild Pikachus.

How do you get light ball in Pokemon FireRed?

It is rare because only few pikachus are holding it so try to capture as many as possible and search for the light ball or use thief

How can you get a Light Ball on Pokemon diamond pearl or emerald?

its really hard to get a light ball, theres a 5 % that a Pikachu can be holding it. Make sure you have the TM thief or covet or you, won't know if it is holding a light ball or not so make sure you have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you get a Light Ball in Poke'mon Platinum?

Get a Pokemon that knows thief. Find a spot where a lot of Pikachu are. When in battle with Pikachu, use thief and if they don't have a item, run away from that battle. Keep doing that and sooner or later you will find a Pikachu with a light ball. I hope I helped :)

Pokemon Platinum how to get a light ball?

It is really hard to get one. On Pokemon Platinum you need to find PIchu/Pikachu and catch it or use thief and if your lucky enough it will be holding a light ball. I

How do you get the lightball in Pokemon Pearl?

catch alot of pikachus or use thief on them until one 5%pikachu has the light ball mostly i caught one in Pokemon diamond and got the light ball

How do you find a light ball in the Sinnoh region in Pokemon pearl?

The only way to obtain a Light Ball is by going into Trophy Garden and encountering Pikachu. (They may hold a Light Ball) If one of your Pokemon knows Thief or Covet, you can take the Light Ball from Pikachu. There's only a 5% chance that a wild Pikachu will hold a Light Ball so it my take a few tries.

What do you have to do to get to get a light ball in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver?

Catch a pikachu holding a light ball, or use thief on the pikachu's in the Veridian Forest. When you put a pokemon with static in front you will find the pikachu's more easily

If you steal Pikachu's light ball from Red with thief. Can you steal it again the second when you challenge Red again?

yes you can and yes you will

What actors and actresses appeared in The Light Thief - 2014?

The cast of The Light Thief - 2014 includes: Richard Miraan as Light Thief

How can you get a Light Ball in Diamond or Pearl?

Light ball in Pokemon Diamond & Pearlthis is how i do it. first you get a pikachu that knows thief and put him in the top of your party, then go to the garden at route 212 at the house and either run around tell you find a pikachu or use your poke radar. then you go to your box and get a ditto and give the light ball to the pikachu that knows thief then put it in the daycare and they will breed an egg and when it hatched you will get a pichu that knows VOLT TACKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!