I do not know it but you can get it by trading your Pikachu from Generation 1 (Yellow). It is sure to have a Light Ball. My estimation is 5% by using 'Thief' on wild Pikachus.
pikachu with light ball is better
First, u find a pikachu that has the item, "Light Ball", which is very hard to find, but eventually u will. (or if u have hgss, red's pikachu is holding a light ball. You can use thief or trick to take it from him) Then find a girl Pikachu and someone who can breed with it. Have the male hold the Light Ball and when the baby Pichu hatches it will have Volt Tackle. Hope this helps!
i have pokemon emerald and when i caught a wild pikachu in the safari zone it was holding a light ball and i breeded with a ditto and got a pichu with volt tackle so just catch a pikachu and keep trying ultil it is holding one
There is only one sure-fire way to evolve a pikachu into raichu. The way to do it is by using a thunderstone on Pikachu. If you breed pikachu while it is holding a light ball, you can even get a Pichu.
The Light Ball won't work on a Raichu, since it only doubles the Sp. Atk of a Pikachu.
Pokemon who hatch from eggs cannot be holding an item, therefore, you cannot get a Light Ball from breeding Pikachu. The only way to get a Light Ball is by getting it off wild Pikachu.
To get a light ball you have to catch pikachus like mad,then hope that one of them is holding a light ball. What it does is that if you breed pikachu holding the light ball you will get a pichu with volt tackle.
Light Ball in EmeraldYou must keep catching Pikachus in the safari zone and if you are lucky one will have a light ball equipped to it. Hope this helped, Good luck to ya, mate! If you catch a Pikachu, there is a small chance that he/she will be holding it.
pikachu with light ball is better
you don't here's how catch a pikachu and it will be holding a light ball A wild Pikachu may be holding a light ball
Pikachu can't make a Light Ball!!! The Light Ball is a item. It raises Pikachu's Sp Attack in Generation 3 and attack in Generation 4. You can sometimes find a wild Pikachu holding one.
well i know on Pokemon emerald, when you catch a pikachu, it is already holding a light ball
The Light Ball is an item designed entirely for Pikachu to use and no other Pokémon. Wild Pikachu holding it is the main way to get the Light Ball in-addition to special Pikachu's received from events.
yes. if you want a male pichu hatched from the egg, then give the light ball to a male pikachu.
The Light Ball is sometimes held by wild Pikachu. You can find Pikachu in Viridian Forest.
there is actually a cheat for getting a lightball in Pokemon pearl and diamond it is for an action replay
anywhere with a pikachu