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The only purpose of him being there is to activate the second Lati Pokemon event. You have to bring him the Enigma Stone, and then show it to the museum attendant, and then you will find the other Lati in Pewter City available for battle.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

you talk to him he will give you an s.s ticket and then you go and catch lugias baby

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โˆ™ 14y ago

you capture latios if your in SS or capture latias in HG

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Q: How do you get Steven Stone out of the Pewter Museum?
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Where is Steven after you get beldum?

in the pewter city museum i think

How do you get the enigma crystal in soul silver?

At a certain time during the year, if you unlocked the Mystery Gift, you can receive the enigma stone over Wi-Fi connection. After you have beaten the Elite 4 and gone to Kanto, if you go to Pewter City, go to the museum and you will meet Steven Stone from Hoenn. You will hand him the Enigma Stone and he will hold quite and interest in it. Then he will ask you to leave the museum with him. And right at the entrance, you will encounter Latias/Latios. Steven will say that the Pokemon is in a fighting spirit, and you will battle it and try to catch it. Soulsilver: Latias Heartgold: Latios

Why is steven stone in the pewter museum in Pokemon soul sliver?

hes not Edit: Not so! You will meet Steven in the Silph Co. after beating Red. But, first, you must get Copycat's lost doll from the Pokemon fan club. There you'll first meet Steven, who will tell you about Latias in HeartGold, or Latios in SoulSilver. You will get from him a Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip in Silph Co., if you choose the corresponding color. After that you will find him in the Pewter museum. But if anyone's reading this, I don't know how to get him to notice me. Can somebody post an answer? you must capture Latias or Latios for him to leave the museum. he only notices you if you have te enigma stone the he brings you tio the fossil gut at the desk he makes it into soul dew the you get latios or latias outside the museum

I can't seem to find latios in soul silver Never appears help?

You need the Enigma Stone via a Wi-fi event. Then, give it to the attendant in Pewter Museum and he gives you the Soul Dew. Latias will appear outside in Pewter city, where you battle it.

How do you find the pewter museum of science in heart gold?

go in to pewter city and you prety much go straight forweds

Related questions

Where does Steven Stone go after he gives you a Hoenn starter at silph co?

In Soul Silver Steven is in the Pewter City Museum talking about rocks :/

How do you get steven to notice me in the pewter museum of science?

you have to get the enigma stone(you cant get the stone anymore)

Where is steven stone once you give him fortress?

he is at the pewter city museum

Pokemon soul silver how to get steven out of pewter museum?

You have to have the Engnima stone.

Where is steven stone in heart gold?

he is in the pewter museum and in silph co

What to do with the engine stone?

give it to steven stone in the rock museum in pewter city. keep on going to the right when you are the building

How do I use the enigma stone in Pokemon heartgold?

Go to the Pewter City Museum. Talk to Steven. Talk to the assistant. When you leave, Steven will talk to you. Battle Latios in Pewter City.

How do you trade with steven in Pokemon SoulSilver?

After you get your Hoenn starter and speak to Steven in the Pewter Museum, Steven will be in the Silph Co. bottom floor. He has a Beldum with a Dawn Stone to trade for a Forretress.

Why is steven in pewter city?

Most likely because he's a stone researcher, so he wanted to check out the museum in pewter City which featured some stones and fossils.

Were does steven stone go after pewter museum?

He goes to spilec co. in saffron city( the big buliding with the broken elevator)

Where is Steven after you get beldum?

in the pewter city museum i think

Where do you find steven after he gives you the starters?

Steven goes to the Pewter museum of science