You get two pencils and a piece of paper write yes in two corners and no in the other ones then you say charlie charlie are you there and wait for it to move. The pencils will go to the answer if he is there keep on asking him questions if not then keep on saying charlie charlie are you there.
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
Charlie Wuppermann goes by Charlie.
Charlie Hunnam goes by Charlie.
Charlie Alejandro goes by Charlie.
In the story, Charlie's surname was Bucket.
who's chARLIOE? cHARlie brOWAN? CHArlie barcas? chaRLIE whO Who's CHARLIe?!??!!?!?!??!
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
The population of Charly-Oradour is 621.
Charlie is Charlie Bucket from Charlie and the chocolate factory
Charlie Sheen and Charlie Brown
Charlie is a Mexican EVIL spirit and can only be summoned by playing the Charlie Charlie game
Charlie Bucket
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
Charlie Wuppermann goes by Charlie.
Charlie Hunnam goes by Charlie.
Charlie McDonnell goes by Charlie.