act very humble, and be sure to give off an air of dignity. he was proud of who he was and he made sure that every one knew it, not that he told them who he was... but he was very confident with an underlurking hatred.. dont know how to act that out, but i hope that this helps.
There is no R3. Lelouch died at the end of R2.
Claude Lelouch is 73 years old (birthdate: October 30, 1937).
The cast of Les 13 vies du chat Lelouch - 2002 includes: Catherine Deneuve as herself Annie Girardot as herself Claude Lelouch as himself Alessandra Martines as herself Yves Montand as himself Pierre Uytterhoeven as himself
That would be a little scary... but he'd probably be a firebender :) Me myself absolutely LOVE Lelouch! ♥ But i really never thought of that! cool question! ^v^
I act in her hair stylish.
No Lelouch first likes Shirley but after she dies eventually begins to like Kallen
his girlfriend is Shirley.well lelouch is a player to shirley lelouch does some what like other girls 2 but he likes shirley best
his girlfriend is Shirley.well lelouch is a player to shirley lelouch does some what like other girls 2 but he likes shirley best
Well, romantically its definitely Lelouch
No, Lelouch is not single.
If u mean Lelouch from Code Geass then here it is. # You have to be smart. Lelouch is a total genius. He can think up an effective battle plan while sitting inside a nightmare frame doing nothing. Play some chess too. # Don't do much physical activity. Lelouch doesn't work out much, so he is often exhausted at any kind of work out. # Be popularish at school. You don't have to hang out with every person at school, but Lelouch has some good friends that he is always with. (Not to mention potential girlfriends). # If you have a little sister, have her act like Nunnally. She is Lelouch's inspiration to create his peaceable world. # Find a girl to act like C.C. She is aloof most of the time, but helps him sometimes. She also loves Pizza Hut. # Get a contact of Lelouch's Geass. It is either a red bird-like thing or a red contact ( if permanently active). # Your best friend should be a guy like Suzaku Kururugi. Create a secret language with him using different kinds of codes like coller lifts, pencil twirls, etc.
yes he did.*Really shirley kissed lelouch first so lelouch just did wut she wanted 2 do w/ lelouch*lelouch loves her he proved it on episode 14 Geass VS Geass. so yeah lelouch kissed her
Lelouch Lamperouge was created in 2006.
Lelouch was born on October 30, 1937
Try Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion , Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 , Monster , Hell Girl and Spiral .
lelouch is zero he wants to bring down britania
Claude Lelouch goes by Coco.