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Extremely debatable.

Superman has many different incarnations ranging from a superman who cannot fly, to superman prime who has godlike powers.

If you look at dbz featwize, then around 1/2 the superman incarnations will beat vegeta.

If you powerscale then pretty much all superman incarnations lose to vegeta.

There are so many inconsistencies between DC, and especially DBZ characters that makes the debate impossible to reach a real answer.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes and no. What I mean is although Gohan is a mystic saiyan, Gokus' power level is far greater than Gohans but of course Gohans power level was greater than Gokus' for years but just didnt show it. Now however Gokus' does exceed gohans

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14y ago

No, Vegeta has never killed Goku in DragonBall Z, though on early occasions he has attempted to. He discontinued his attempts to kill Goku in the Cell Saga until he became Majin Vegeta, and let go of his grudge permanently thereafter.

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13y ago

No. While Goku always seems to be stronger (and generally is) Vegeta does technically win the fight at the start of the Buu saga... view episode 218 - The Losses Begin, to see how it goes down.

P.S. I say technically as it is a little bit sly of Vegeta to win the way that he did.

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14y ago

He has lots of times

but then goku somehow goes even stronger

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13y ago

yes but he canot kill vegeta

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12y ago

no brolys power level is way to high

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12y ago

only when vegeta had an m on his forhead

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Q: Can vegeta beat broly
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