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Cell (Except his imperfect form)






Ultimate Gohan


On.... and goes on and on...

Broly is not really invincible to beat.

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Q: Who can beat broly?
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Can super saiyan 3 goku beat broly?

if goku was able to beat broly before he can probably do it again

Is broly stronger than Goku?

Yes. Goku in his MSSJ can beat Broly at best.

Who would win in a fight super perfect cell or broly?

Cell. Even Perfect Cell Can beat him. actually if gohan beat cell but it took vegeta to send goku some of his power to beat broly that means that broly is stronger ------------------------------------------------------------ Vegeta is ignorant since then. Cell is still stronger regardless that Vegeta to send Goku some of his power to beat Broly. I said again, Cell wins.

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Of course!! Broly is the legendary super saiyian!! he could beat the living tard out of them! Also, in the movie, bio broly, broly was beating up android 18

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No. The introduction of DBZ:Budokai 3 Introduction where it shows Broly vs Gogeta does not count. Broly couldn't beat Gogeta, let alone Cell, as well as any characters around Cell's level.

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z chronicles. broly should be unlocked after you beat his story and ss4 vegeta should be unlocked after you beat the last chapter in z chronicles

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broly his power level will keep on rising forever and beat goku

Could super saiyan 4 Goku beat broly?

Yes, Broly would be a piece of cake against SS4 Goku

Who is stronger broly or cell?

Cell, even his 2nd form will gave Broly trouble. Broly can beat Imperfect Cell which is his possible chance. But Perfect Cell will kill Broly easily, without going full power. Goku and Z-fighters from Cell Games Saga can easily and possibly beat Broly than their Movie 8 counterparts. (When I saw this question, A Broly fanboy answered a question inaccurately.

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Omega shenron, because he has to be defeated by a super saiyan 4 fusion and broly is the basic super saiyan form, so if these two fought, broly would have to have fused with another super saiyan four.

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Gohan did 1 hand kamehameha wave with the help of goku and it somehow killed him

How can you beat broly in DBZ Shin Budokai for psps?

Just go all out.