You can buy Harbor mail at Slateport City
in the city after you get of the boat the second time
Slateport city Mart
So you can get the coin case from the lady in Mauville City.
Buy it in Fallerboar.
You can buy Harbor mail at Slateport City
in the city after you get of the boat the second time
Slateport city Mart
The mail doing nothing, you write a letter you get nothing back.
So you can get the coin case from the lady in Mauville City.
Go to the house next to the casino. When the lady says," I wish i had harbor mail" , go to the slateport Pokemart, buy harbor mail, go back and talk to her, and yes when she wants to trade you a harbor mail for a coin case.
Buy it in Fallerboar.
In Mauville Mart.
First, you get a Harbor Mail. Anywhere. Then go to Mauville. Go to the house east/right to the game corner. Talk to the lady, trade the Harbor Mail and she'll give the coin case
First you go to the house next to the game center. then you talk to to lady and she should say that she wish she had a bike to go to slateport city to get harbor mail. you go to slateport city and get one harbor mail. then talk to the lady again and she should want to trade the coin case for the mail.
You go to Slateport city and go to Pokemon market. Here you can buy Harbor mail.
i dont know where to find it but you can buy it at slateport city`s mart