'Gold' Rare cards are the gold-tinted foil cards from the four Gold Series sets.
They are harder to acquire than other cards.
You can get it in common, From one of the starter decks I think.
You can tell if they are rare or not by researching or looking at Internet sights that have valid information, or by looking for the actual yu-gi-oh! website and looking at the FAQ's that they have on their website. There is one more way you can tell if they are rare or not, that is by going to a local card shop and asking if the salesman can desipher rare cards from non-rare cards. Then if they say they can then present the cards you are wondering if are rare or not. That is how you could become one of the great collectors of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. cblair91: also you cna tell if they are rare, some have a colored box in the top right or botom left. what it reresents is: * bronze - normal card * silver - medium * light gold - rare * deep gold - super rare * other - random * and i thinkt he three god cards have a blue one, im not shure. some do.
Shiny Silver writing means that the card is a normal rare. Normal rare is the first level of rarity above a common.
Depends which one it is.
In my opinion it would be a gold rare crush card virus.
what about them?
A hard to find card for yu gi oh. Google... seriously.
They are harder to acquire than other cards.
its pretty rare
its a rare a super rare and a parallel rare
its shiney
Super Rare
Nowhere but the Internet.
depends what the card is and what shape it is in
eBay is your best bet. Please be prepared for that fact that 'really rare' does not in any way mean 'valuable', in Yu-Gi-Oh. The only cards that will fetch a high price are the most playable cards, or cards that are exceptionally rare, as in, less than 1000 printed (SJC prizecard, for example).
Yes, it is a normal rare card from Rise of Destiny.