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'Gold' Rare cards are the gold-tinted foil cards from the four Gold Series sets.

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What is the most expencive Yu Gi Oh card?

In my opinion it would be a gold rare crush card virus.

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What is an ultra rare yu-gi-oh?

A hard to find card for yu gi oh. Google... seriously.

What does ultra rare mean in a Yu-Gi-Oh card?

They are harder to acquire than other cards.

How rare is the LOB-E005 Yu-Gi-Oh card?

its pretty rare

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its a rare a super rare and a parallel rare

How can you tell a Yu-Gi-Oh card is rare?

its shiney

If the picture on a Yu-Gi-Oh card is shiny it is what?

Super Rare

Where do you get the rare Godzilla Yu-Gi-Oh card?

Nowhere but the Internet.

How much is a rare Yu-Gi-Oh card?

depends what the card is and what shape it is in

Where can I sell my really rare yugioh cards for a lot of money?

eBay is your best bet. Please be prepared for that fact that 'really rare' does not in any way mean 'valuable', in Yu-Gi-Oh. The only cards that will fetch a high price are the most playable cards, or cards that are exceptionally rare, as in, less than 1000 printed (SJC prizecard, for example).

Is rare metalmorph a real card Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, it is a normal rare card from Rise of Destiny.