Empire total war has no sound, no nothing, and then my pc has no sound, i have to reboot my computer to have windows sound again
No, Empire Total War by the Creative Assembly is a PC exclusive RTS.
Empire Total War is an amazing game with good graphics, lots of strategy, and really good naval battles.
the special forces version!
Napoleon Total War has Napoleons campaigns and battles which are fun, but in the Grand Campaign there are only 4 playable factions: France, Great Britain, Russia, and Prussia. Empire Total War doesn't have the special campaigns but it's Grand Campaign allows for MANY more playable factions and will last you a lot longer.
none are out yet, its impossible to make a mod
THERE WAS NEVER A LORD OF THE RINGS TOTAL WAR GAME ! but empire total war is good but every total war game was good :)
No, Empire Total War by the Creative Assembly is a PC exclusive RTS.
no the first 3d total war is empire
Empire Total War is an amazing game with good graphics, lots of strategy, and really good naval battles.
Just about anywhere that sells computer games. You can also google Empire Total War for Sale or try Amazon.
When is war ever a good thing?
no, and you cant
No you can't.
you cant but in empire total war you just press insert