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It depends on the distance the victim is from the shooter. Take 500 yards and the shooter using a 50 cal. BMG sniper rifle. It will take the bullet .54 of a second to reach the victum and the sound (in ideal conditions) will arrive at 500 yards in 1.34 seconds. leaving a difference of .8 of a second between the two. So unless the victim is shot in the head (rendering there head a Hole) they will hear the shot. When you heart stops beating it will take a few seconds at least before you lose consciousness and your ability to hear.

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Q: You never hear the shot that kills you?
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Im sniping in mw2 but im not wearing a ghillie suit help?

To unlock ghille suits: winter-50 one shot kills, urban-100 one shot kills, and desert-150 one shot kills

What are the deathstreaks rewards in MW2 miltiplayer?

3 Kills -- Spy Plane3 Kills -- RC-XD (RC bomb)4 Kills -- Counter Spy Plane4 Kills -- SAM Turret5 Kills -- Care Package5 Kills -- Napalm Strike6 Kills -- Sentry Gun6 Kills -- Mortar Team7 Kills -- Attack Helicopter7 Kills -- Valkyrie Rockets8 Kills -- Blackbird8 Kills -- "Rolling Thunder"9 Kills -- Chopper Gunner11 Kills -- Attack Dogs11 Kills -- Gunshipps using the perk hard line will let you get all these for 1 less kill

Who has the most kills in roblox Base Wars The land?

The top 10 players in Roblox base wars made by D4rk886. Are 1. Bax5150 154,000 kills 2. Terpbiker 124,000 kills 3. Mj10 81,000 kills 4. JamesF013 78,000 kills 5. HMSHood22 77,000 kills 6. XxF35PILOTxX 73,000 kills 7.S2kJDM 68,000 kills 8.GEORGIE0430 65,000 kills 9.Darkrahne63,000 kills 10.Getaoutamyway 62,000 kills.

In Modern Warfare 2 What levels are killstreak rewards unlocked at?

You unlock customizable killstreaks at level 10 and every about 5-6 levels you can unlock a different one. The killstreaks are: 3 Kills - UAV 4 Kills - Counter-UAV or Care Package 5 Kills - Sentry Gun or Predator Missile 6 Kills - Precision Airstrike 7 Kills - Harrier Strike or Attack Helicopter 8 Kills - Emergency Airdrop 9 Kills - Pave Low or Stealth Bomber 11 Kills - AC-130 or Chopper Gunner 15 Kills - EMP 25 Kills - Tactical Nuke You can only select 3 killstreaks and you cannot have 2 killstreaks from the same number of kills.

On mw2 does the knife kills count as weapon kills?

anything used to kill can count as a kill

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The Last Shot You Hear was created in 1969.

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To unlock ghille suits: winter-50 one shot kills, urban-100 one shot kills, and desert-150 one shot kills

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She was shot in the the back by the clones.

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Depends on the shot placement.

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he didnt get shot where did u hear that

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you have to get two head shots in one shot.

In which sport will you hear the terms digs kills and aces?

You hear these terms in volleyball. An ace is when you sserve the ball and you immediately win the point I think and a dig is a way you can hit the ball. Not sure what "kills" are though.

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He wasn't killed but he was shot by Kylie.

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You can hear it.

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The F-15 eagle has the most kills of enemies planes shot down than any other planes. No planes has never destroy the most planes like the F-15. The F-15 have shot down over 100 enemy aircraft with no versions of the F-15 destroyed at all.