To unlock ghille suits: winter-50 one shot kills, urban-100 one shot kills, and desert-150 one shot kills
you can play as a Reacon or Sniper in the ArmA 2 editor.
You cannot put on camo, but if you equip a gun from the Sniper Rifle section your character will be wearing a Ghillie suit, which provides better camouflage than standard clothes/outfits do on almost every map. but if you get a certain amount of headshots you get camo for guns!
First,you have to make your dog be friends with one that is wearing a snow suit or a bathing suit at the park.Then,get your presant and leave the park.Depending on the suit,you'll get a spasific place. Snow suit= Snow Park Bathing suit=Beach
I believe you wave while wearing nothing but the black ninja suit-body items- and black ninja mask-in face items. (or if you have the things that go on your arms and make smoke, those too)
Yes in fact you can but one way. if you are somehow wearing a anti-radiation suit when the nuke strikes you can survive. it isn't the shockwave or the explosion that kills you, its the radiation and the fallout in the aftermath. if you dont have protection from the radiation you die
The ghillie suits were named after a group of Scottish hunters, known as Ghillies. When the First World War erupted, they wore those same suits as they wandered into no-man's-land to take up positions for sniping at German personnel.
it really depends on how advance you want it. for a complete guide on how to make a ghillie suit checkout for a comprehensive "How to" on ghillie suit videos go here:
The History of the Ghillie Suit, begins during the 19th Century in Scotland.
The ghillie suit's original purpose was to disguise British game wardens from poachers.
No, I doubt wearing a ghillie suit is illegal. Although I bet people you'd pass by will be looking at you as if you're crazy.
a Ghillie suit
It is pronounced "GIL-ee suit."
Ghillie suit
Al Gore!
A ghillie suit is a set of BDU's covered with natural vegetation or jute/burlap. It is generally used by snipers in the military, paintballers, hunters, etc. The point of the suit is to blend in with the environment and break up the silhouette of a human. Many people, instead of using just the suit, use their experience with ghillie suits by putting local vegetation into the suit.
do the ghillie in the mist challenges. it's one of the 1st challenges you unlock
I would say most likely the same was an a normal ghillie suit. Start with some 2x2 netting and mix up the wool as you tie it to the netting. Pretty simple ;)