You cannot put on camo, but if you equip a gun from the Sniper Rifle section your character will be wearing a Ghillie suit, which provides better camouflage than standard clothes/outfits do on almost every map.
but if you get a certain amount of headshots you get camo for guns!
well call of duty and modern warfare are the same it is called Call of Duty: Modern warfare and then came call of duty: modern warfare 2
on call of duty modern warfare 2: no you cannot get golden guns =( call of duty 6 is black ops not mw2 idiot far as the golden skins could be because there's a locked camo that you need 14 prestige to unlock
Call of Duty classic Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty World at War Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 call of duty black ops call of duty modern warfare 3
"Call of Duty 6" "MW2" "Modern Warfare"
It's not available for the Modern warfare series of call of duty
There was a update for the Camo on the shotguns and the gold desert eagle.
well call of duty and modern warfare are the same it is called Call of Duty: Modern warfare and then came call of duty: modern warfare 2
on call of duty modern warfare 2: no you cannot get golden guns =( call of duty 6 is black ops not mw2 idiot far as the golden skins could be because there's a locked camo that you need 14 prestige to unlock
Call of Duty classic Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty World at War Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 call of duty black ops call of duty modern warfare 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare came before Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
"Call of Duty 6" "MW2" "Modern Warfare"
"Call of Duty 6" "MW2" "Modern Warfare"
umm no why would u ever that takes the fun out of it! theres camo for snipas
Call of duty modern warfare 3
no theres a call of duty modern of warefare 2
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out first. This is the first game in the Modern Warfare series, and Modern Warfare 3 is the third game in the Modern Warfare series.
Call of Duty 1 Call of Duty The big red one Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 3 Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare Call of Duty : World at War Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty : Blackops Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 9 Call of Duties all together, 6 if you take out the modern warfares...