there is no event for manaphy you have to get it from Pokemon ranger
actually, ANY ball can miss, save the master ball. ive missed with ultra balls against zapdos; i missed maybe 7 times, but as soon as i hit it i caught it. but can you imagine yourself as a Pokemon trainer and you missed a Pokemon? man i would feel dumb lol
No. If you haven't saved since then restart and try again, otherwise you missed your shot.
Action replay,make Zoruark have an egg(which I did),or get special event Celebi(which I missed out on). You don't catch it in the wild... :(
Pokemon will not learn moves while being raised in the daycare center. They will keep the same set of moves that you put them into the daycare with. However, moves that were missed can still be relearned through the move tutor.
I am afraid you can not.
No. but if you missed Pokemon catch them from miror B.
there is no event for manaphy you have to get it from Pokemon ranger
no they do not
actually, ANY ball can miss, save the master ball. ive missed with ultra balls against zapdos; i missed maybe 7 times, but as soon as i hit it i caught it. but can you imagine yourself as a Pokemon trainer and you missed a Pokemon? man i would feel dumb lol
sorry u missed the event
go get mewtwo from ceruleon cave and get all the Pokemon you have missed
If you miss a event you could get a action replay and get it from that.
No one knows. Maybe Pokemon will do another. I missed the other one too.
The most commonly missed Pokemon in the National Dex are Arceus, Darkrai and Shaymin. These are legendaries in Diamond and Pearl that cannot be caught without action replay or a Nintendo event. Recently there were Nintendo events for all three.
Dialga, Murkrow, Cranidos and Stunky. please add on if there's others that I might have missed. ~Sherry
you have to get an action replay.