You and your friend have to be logged in. Make sure your phone in Webkinz is on. If not, click on it. It should be below your dock and between your mailbox and HELP. Click on your phone and click power. You and your friend must be on the same color zone. Go to your room in Webkinz. If your friend has a red face, it means their phone isn't on. You can't invite them. If they have a yellow face, that means their phone is on but they cannot be disturbed. If they have a green face, you can invite them. Click on their name and click on INVITE. If they are busy, they might be playing a game or doing other stuff. If your friend agrees to come, they will appear in your room where you are.
first of all, you need to go somewhere like the clubhouse where there is lots of people and turn on your phone thing. it doesn't matter which zone you pick. then you click the arrow on the webkinz in the room. whoever has a green smiley face means you can be their friend. click on them and then there will be a button that says "invite". click on it. hope this helps!! - B3ASTLY
Well lets find out........ Any ingredients that aren't a recipe together make gunk.... There is no specific ingredients, just keep on trying wrong recipes then eventually you will get the color green.
To invite a friend over to your house on Webkinz: Go to "My house/my room." once you are in a room, turn on your pager. If you here a "YOOHOO!" and see someone's user-name appear next to a green open-mouthed smiley face, you can then click on their name and then choose "invite" on your phone. Then the person you invited can either say no, or say yes, and then appear in your house, along with a doorbell sound, in the same room you are currently in. It might take a while for your friend to appear, because he/she must load your room. To send someone home, choose Send All Home" and they will leave. If you want to go to someone else's house, they have to follow the steps above. You don't have to be in your own house to accept someone else's invitation.
mix different ingredients
You and your friend have to be logged in. Make sure your phone in Webkinz is on. If not, click on it. It should be below your dock and between your mailbox and HELP. Click on your phone and click power. You and your friend must be on the same color zone. Go to your room in Webkinz. If your friend has a red face, it means their phone isn't on. You can't invite them. If they have a yellow face, that means their phone is on but they cannot be disturbed. If they have a green face, you can invite them. Click on their name and click on INVITE. If they are busy, they might be playing a game or doing other stuff. If your friend agrees to come, they will appear in your room where you are.
first of all, you need to go somewhere like the clubhouse where there is lots of people and turn on your phone thing. it doesn't matter which zone you pick. then you click the arrow on the webkinz in the room. whoever has a green smiley face means you can be their friend. click on them and then there will be a button that says "invite". click on it. hope this helps!! - B3ASTLY
The Pppermint Puppy is a white dog with stripes of red and green on parts of his body. Please send a Webkinz friend request to me! My username is PixiaGirl814.
To make the seaside sargo you need this Summer fun swimsuit top, Light green swim trunks, Wide tan pant I hope this helps you because it did for me it makes the perfect gift for webkinz friend so have fun making it You Friend.
Well I have a webkinz account still. And now the webkinz zones are Green, Blue, and Yellow. :D
Well lets find out........ Any ingredients that aren't a recipe together make gunk.... There is no specific ingredients, just keep on trying wrong recipes then eventually you will get the color green.
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While in multiplayer press select for ps3 or back for xbox, go to player list, press triangle for ps3 or Y for xbox, press a friend with the green blip on it, and press invite to game (players only get invites if they are in red dead redemption at the moment)
To invite a friend over to your house on Webkinz: Go to "My house/my room." once you are in a room, turn on your pager. If you here a "YOOHOO!" and see someone's user-name appear next to a green open-mouthed smiley face, you can then click on their name and then choose "invite" on your phone. Then the person you invited can either say no, or say yes, and then appear in your house, along with a doorbell sound, in the same room you are currently in. It might take a while for your friend to appear, because he/she must load your room. To send someone home, choose Send All Home" and they will leave. If you want to go to someone else's house, they have to follow the steps above. You don't have to be in your own house to accept someone else's invitation.
mix different ingredients
mix a bunch of stuff in the blender until you get green gak.
Simply press the grey/green curcular xbox button on the middle of ur controller, then go to "Online Friends" and then press on the wanted friend and select "Invite to game" (You can invite friends faster by simply pressing X on their name)