To invite a friend over to your house on Webkinz: Go to "My house/my room." once you are in a room, turn on your pager. If you here a "YOOHOO!" and see someone's user-name appear next to a green open-mouthed smiley face, you can then click on their name and then choose "invite" on your phone. Then the person you invited can either say no, or say yes, and then appear in your house, along with a doorbell sound, in the same room you are currently in. It might take a while for your friend to appear, because he/she must load your room. To send someone home, choose Send All Home" and they will leave. If you want to go to someone else's house, they have to follow the steps above. You don't have to be in your own house to accept someone else's invitation.
You half to buy a delux webkinz pet. Go on type in deluxe webkinz, they sell them cheap their.
You half to buy a delux webkinz pet. Go on type in deluxe webkinz, they sell them cheap their.
only if you don't add more webkinz. A year after your last webkinz is added on to your online webkinz account your account will go away. This is so you keep buying more webkinz. sorry.
you go to the webkinz shop and buy the stove
Webkinz Can Go In The Water (Pool) But When They Come Out They Dont Look Wet
yes there is a webkinz.A webkinz is a stuff animal that you can go on and play online with other peoples webkinz i have webkinz infact i have 6
You can't buy houses in webkinz world, only bedrooms.
I believe you go to the clubhouse and there is a party room with other webkinz controlled by real people.
If you go on the webkinz club house you can talk to other webkinz owners. If your parents give you permission, you can go in clubhouse plus and type your own answers instead of choosing theirs.
dude, ask webkinz
If you don't have a webkinz you can't go on.
Yes they can! If you buy a retired Webkinz, you can enter the code as if it wasn't any other pet.
Go to Webkinz, then click contests and sometimes there will be a contest you can enter and the prize is a virtual pet
If you have a Webkinz account, go to the W shop, go to the toys category and on one of the pages there is a Webkinz drawing book. This book will help you draw Webkinz.
Yes webkinz could go underwater but first you have to buy a underwater webkinz pet if you don't know what a underwater webkinz pet its just a webkinz pet that lives underwater.
Yes: webkinz news. Yes there is webkinzjr it is for little kids 3-6! im ggriff2 on Webkinz
you cannot put 2 webkinz in the same room however you can have them both on 1 account if you want your other webkinz you simple just go to the white door and that will take you to yourother webkinz's room. (: