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acheive relieve priest theif reprieve brief relief zombie

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Q: Words with ie that sound like field?
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What words have ie what sound like ee?

parties, cookie/s, field/s movie/s and brief

Words ending with an ee sound?


Words with ie but sound like ue?

One example is "sieve," which is pronounced as "soov." Another example is "science," which is pronounced as "soo-ens."

What rhymes with field with ie pattern?

ie pattered words

What words have the ie sound?

Words with the "ie" sound include: chief, belief, achieve, pierce, piece, thief, and retrieve.

Does field have a short or long e sound?

The "ie" in field sounds is pronounced as "ee," known as the "long e" sound.

What words have a long I sound spelled ie?


Does yield have a short or long e sound?

The IE pair in yield has a long E sound. It rhymes with field and peeled.

Words with ie in them?

I am gay, ie I like men.

Does friend have a short e sound?

Yes, It is practically the only IE word where the pair has a true short E sound, to rhyme with bend and send. Words like ancient and glacier have a schwa sound that is not actually a short E. Other words like science pronounce the I and E separately.

What words have an e ending and sound like a long i?

In "silent E" words such as bite, mite, site, white, the E ending changes the sound of the short I to a long I. There are no English words where a final single E sounds like a long I. However, there are IE words such as die, pie, lie, and vie, and YE endings such as bye and dye.

How do you say 'items' in afrikaans?

Ietem (the ie is like a "e" sound).