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acheive relieve priest theif reprieve brief relief zombie

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Q: Words with ie that sound like field?
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What words have ie what sound like ee?

parties, cookie/s, field/s movie/s and brief

Words ending with an ee sound?


What rhymes with field with ie pattern?

ie pattered words

What words have the ie sound?

Words with the "ie" sound include: chief, belief, achieve, pierce, piece, thief, and retrieve.

What words end in ie but have a long I sound?

Words like "die" and "lie" end in -ie but have a long I sound.

Does field have a short or long e sound?

The "ie" in field sounds is pronounced as "ee," known as the "long e" sound.

What long vowel sound does title have?

The long vowel sound in the word "title" is the "i" sound, pronounced like "IE" in words such as "pie" or "lie."

What words have a long I sound spelled ie?


Words with ie in them?

I am gay, ie I like men.

What are ie words with a long i sound?

Some examples of ie words with a long i sound are: believe, retrieve, brief, chief.

What are the vowel combinations that sound like a long i?

The long I sound may be created by I, or Y, or by these combinations: IE words (die, lie, pie) EI words (stein, fraulein) AY words from French (bayou, cayenne) EY words such as geyser and Cheyenne UY words such as buy and guy * also with the silent letters IGH and IGHT (high, sigh, light, might)

Does yield have a short or long e sound?

The IE pair in yield has a long E sound. It rhymes with field and peeled.