A few words starting and ending with a consonant that have o in the middle are:
According to wisegeek.com, the most used consonant in the English language is "t." Also, "t" is the most frequent letter that starts a word (in other words, there are more words that start with "t" than any other letter.) Heck--in this short answer alone, I've used 29 "t"s!
20 words with consonant blend
Some three letter words that have an A in the middle are:bagbahbanbarbatbaycabcadcamcancapcarcatcawcaydabdaddamdayeareatfadfanfarfatfaxgabgadgaggalgapgasgayhadhaghamhasHathayjabjamjarjawjaylabladlaglaplawlaymadmanmapmarmatmawmaynabnagnapnaypadpalpanparpatpawpayragrahramranrapratrawraysadsagsapsatsawsaxsaytabtadtagtamtantaptartattaxvanvatwadwagwanwarwaswaxwayyakyamyapyawzap
Some six letter words with FF in the middle are:wafflebafflebufferduffermufflepifflesufferduffelpuffindiffer
In the English language hundreds of words have double consonants in the middle or a single consonant in the middle or both. Here are a few examples: withhold and beryllosis You will find a lot of medical words have this consonant pattern.
consonance-repetition of middle or final consonant sounds
Many words have a silent consonant
According to wisegeek.com, the most used consonant in the English language is "t." Also, "t" is the most frequent letter that starts a word (in other words, there are more words that start with "t" than any other letter.) Heck--in this short answer alone, I've used 29 "t"s!
Some examples of CVVC (consonant-vowel-vowel-consonant) words include "rain," "keep," and "feet." These words are typically two-syllable words with a long vowel sound in the middle.
Yes, the letter G is a consonant. It is pronounced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract and is used in words like "go" and "great."
"icicles" is: vowel, consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant. Or VCVCCVC. If that's even what you mean. There are words referred to as "consonant, vowel, consonant" words, but they are always three letters long. A "consonant vowel" word would only be two letter long, like : be. So I'm not sure what you're asking here.
Some four letter words that start and end with vowels and have consonants as the middle letters are:abbaacheechoaxleidleableogle
Two consonants together are called a consonant cluster. In English, consonant clusters can be found at the beginning, middle, or end of words.
There are no common English words with 6 consonants and no vowels. However, the compound words archchronicler, catchphrase, and latchstring all have 6 consonants in a row.