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Proportional is the same in size

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Q: Word that means corresponding in size?
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What does the word commensurate means?

Adjective Corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.

What are congruent corresponding angles?

corresponding means that they are at the same position, and congruent means that they are the same size and shape

What is a sentence for the word corresponding?

Corresponding means similar in character, form or functions.We discovered our corresponding viewpoints.Find the corresponding angles in the transversal?

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If two triangles are congruent statements must be true?

It means they have the same size and shape, corresponding sides have the same length and corresponding angles are the same.

Does the word corresponding mean the same?

It also means communicating by written word, consistent with or to, agreeing with, or conforming with or to.

What is a homophone for the word size?

size means bigness and sisse means a breed of owl

What is the language of origin for the word pseudo?

The language of origin of this word is greek. The corresponding word in greek is "ψευδο-" and in this form means something like "fake". It' comes from the greek word "ψεύδος" which means "a lie".

What does les mean french?

Le means "The""Le" means "the" in French. It is used with masculine nouns; the corresponding feminine word "La."

What word means to increase in size?

"Crescendo", means to gradually increase in size, intensity or force.

What is the corresponding adjective for the word pride?

The corresponding adjective for the word pride is "proud."

If two triangles are congruent?

Then they both will be identical in sides and angles