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Taillow, Swablu, Gligar, Rayquaza, Trophius, Masquerain.

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Q: Witch flying types are in Pokemon Emerald?
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Where is the 6th Gym on Pokemon Ruby Sapphire and Emerald?

fortree city. flying types

What type of moves hurt flying types in Pokemon emerald?

Electric, rock and ice type moves.

Witch type of Pokemon is weakest to electric Pokemon on Pokemon crater?

Not only for Pokemon Crater, but for all Pokemon games: water and flying types are weak to electric.

I cant beat the elite four champion's Ludicolo in Pokemon emerald what Pokemon types should i have?

You should use mostly grass and flying types they would be most effective

Can someone help get a sixth Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald?

Yes, someone can help get a sixth Pokemon in Pokemon emerald. Swellow is a good Pokemon for flying types. Even though they are hard to train, dragon Pokemon make an excellent sixth Pokemon as they are "extra" but very powerful.

Where can you get the ultimite Pokemon team in Pokemon emerald that you can get near the beginning?

I would just say to get a variety of types. I suggest flying, fire, water, grass, electric, and psychic, or something similar.

What Pokemon types are strong against Fighting?

Fighting types are weak against psychic and flying types.

Pokemon that can use defog in Pokemon Pearl?

some flying types

In Pokemon diamond witch Pokemon is the most effective against dark type Pokemon?

fighting types and bug types are the most effective types on dark.

What is a dragon types weakness in Pokemon Emerald?

Dragon and Ice types are super effective.

How do you beat brawly on Pokemon emerald?

Brawly's gym's weekness is psychic and flying types when he sends out meditite send out a weak Pokemon because it only uses focus punch (which takes time) it will lose focus and will not be able to attack

What is the weakness to an electric Pokemon?

Water and Flying types.