No Dragonballz came first in early 1986 (original dragonball)
Sonic the Hedgehog came out in 1991
Pan is 13yrs old because she is 4 in dbz and bulla is 16 in dbgt and kid goku in gt is 10 plus bulla was 7 in dbz witch makes pan 3yrs younger than bulla
Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!. It's a short movie came out recently
no she never is seen naked in dbz
Gohan is 7 when Trunks first appears in DBZ.
you have to fight the first battle in the broly saga goku vs broly
sonic the hedgehog
DBZ: Super Sonic Warriors is a Bame Boy Advance game
Dragon Ball Z was made before Sonic The Hedgehog
kind of but DBZ has more blood ,fighting ,chi,and people can fly with sonic x in seson 2 with aliens and metax it was more DBZ than seson 1 they can be really different sometimes it depends on the story boad and sega
no one knows maybe in the the future
the next dbz game maybe aleready came out which is dbz hd collection
dbz raging blast. it came out november 10,2009
super cool just not as cool as mario or goku from dbz No way sonic is cooler then goku but mario prob not
Yes, because of one reason.Sonic and another people on the show can go super and save the world from mean people so can DBZ
street fighter came first so really dbz is the copy.
HECK YEAH IT IS LIKE IT sonic is goku shadow is vegeta silver is trunks Amy is chichi the seven chaos emeralds are the dragon balls and when shadow was sonic's friend (for a while) then in shadow the hedgehog the game he betrayed sonic well in dbz vegeta really wasnt goku's friend but when vegeta turned into majin vegeta he betrayed goku well that are all the reasons why sonic is like dbz
it is illegal to let you know but google it.