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yes if you don;t save it and on some Video Games it might save if you unplug it your choice

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Q: Will you lose all are data on are wii if you unplug it?
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What damage would it cause formatting Nintendo Wii?

You will lose all save data on your wii console! This includes channels.

Why will my Wii not turn on?

check all of the wires and unplug it.

Will your saved data still be saved when you unplug the Nintendo Wii and plug it on another tv?

Yes, it will. The memory is stored in the Wii system, not the TV.

For wii if you take a game play it and play it again on a different wii will you have all your saved data?

If the saved data is on your wii console and you play the same game on a different wii you will not have your same saved data you will have the other wii's data if it has any if you want to play a game on 2 different wii's save the data on a SD card and bring that card to the other wii to play with your saved data.

Can save data be transferred between the Wii and Wii U?

When doing a system transfer between the Wii and Wii U, all data on the system is transferred. This includes save files.

How do you start your Pokemon ranch game over?

You would need to transfer all your Pokemon back to your DS game, and delete the save data in the Wii Options menu (Wii Options -> Data Management -> Saves -> Wii -> My Pokemon Ranch -> Delete). However, if you delete your game save, you will lose any Pokemon left on your My Pokemon Ranch game.

How do you remove all data on a wii disc?

press reset

Can you transfer data from a Nintendo Wii to a new Wii?

Yes, you can. all it takes is the wii u transfer channel on the wii menu and an sd or sdhd card!

What is a Wii scrubber?

Wii Scrubber is a PC program that removes unused data from a Wii ISO. Wii ISO's are all the same size (4.37 Gigabytes) but not all of the data stored in the ISO is usefull. Often the majority of the disk is filled with useless data added to make the disk up to the specified size. Wii scrubber replaces the uselless data with data that programs like WinRAR can compress into next to nothing. Some games like Wii Music are tiny (about 0.56 Gigabytes if I remember correctly.) So in short Wii Scrubber is a program to aid compression of Wii ISO file for archiving.

Will unplugging a wii delete all it's saved data for example wii channels and shop channel downloads?


When you move a wii do you loose all the dataa saved on it?

no, you should keep your data unless you damage the wii in the process of moving it.

How do you delete a profile on the simpsons game nfor the wii?

go to the wii data log thing and delete all memory of the game