All plugs, by law, must have a fuse. Unplug the wii and open up the plug with a screwdriver to get at the fuse if you think it has blown. Remember that if you replace it, make sure it is with a fuse of the same maximum voltage!
Look AT Your POWER BLOCKS.If it is at full power blocks then you press left or right on the Wii nunchuk then hold 1.
You will get wii sports with your Nintendo wii you do not get it as an extra game its a practise towards the wii consoles remote and nuchuck etc. however you get a preowned wii you may not get the wii sports with it.
the wii kind
Yes buying the black or 25th anniversary wii will get you: Wii sports, Wii sports resort, New super Mario bros wii, wii motion plus.
No because the wii is region locked. the US wii is NTSC while the EU wii is PAL. so it will not work, but Australian wii games work on the EU wii as they are both PAL.
Look AT Your POWER BLOCKS.If it is at full power blocks then you press left or right on the Wii nunchuk then hold 1.
if i remember correctly, its on the side of the shed by the entrance to the quarry (you know, the entrance that is blocked)
No you can't and its wii u, not wii you.
The Wii U is a different console to the Wii. The Wii U however is compatible with Wii games and accessories.
No, you cannot connect a Wii U controller to a Wii. Only Wii Remotes and other Wii accessories will work for the Wii, and the Wii U GamePad only works for the Wii U.
RE5 isn't on the Wii because it wasn't developed for the Wii.
yeah, and a wii tgs and a wii gdc and a wii comic-con
No. The Wii and the Wii-U are too completely independent systems. The Wii-U is not an add-on product of the Wii.
You cant get Wii Points on Wii Sports
No. The newer version of the Wii is the Nintendo Wii U
Yes, the Wii U is backwards compatible with Wii games. You need to insert a Wii disk, then go into Wii Mode by selecting the option from the Wii U menu. You'll need a Wii controller to use Wii Mode.
So far there are loads of accessories that are for the wii system. There is the wii motion plus, wii balance board, wii zapper, wii tennis racket, wii baseball bat, wii lan adapter.