Usually Runescape holds only events for major universal holidays. Usually, once a holiday is introduced into the game, events will follow through future years. The only repeat of an event was Thanksgiving in 2009+2010.
every monster has a weakness, it depends which dragon search it up in runescape wiki
In Runescape, You receive 65 Magic XP for every High Alchemy spell that is cast.
I've tryed every glitch runescape had to offer. there is no runescape chair glitch. i would have told you how to do it but i don't know it. classic runescapeu can walk on water. only classic!!!
runescape 2 is and was always the original runescape just that every time they update it it's called a new runescape like1, 2, 3 of 4 also websites like will steal your password and ruin your account!
basically to get to lvl 99 in every skill i guess if that's not your type of game don't play it but theres no way of winning Runescape the only thing there is is to complete quests Zezima was the first to get 99 in every skill.I think its to have fun and pursue your dreams because u can do pretty much anything. lets face it completing the whole of runescape would take forever that's for people with absolutely no life and when i mean no life i mean playing the game for literally 24hours or more. The whole point to Runescape is completing all the quest and get every level to 99 and to get every single song unlocked to visit every place in the game and to be rich plus do every single thing in the whole entire game that's it really! once you done all of that its basically just living your Runescape life walking around having fun
Jews have many special foods. Almost every holiday or occasion is associated with a type of food.
Yes, every few months Runescape pumps out a new quest ranging from beginner (very easy) to Special (practically impossible to complete without dying).
I think you have to put in a sertin name like yeast something can you answer my question why does every time i go to runescape it keeps loging out everytime i hit play know
Jagex did state there will be at least something new added every week or two, you just have to be patient.
well, you cant now since they rarely come, but a few years ago people used to do a bug where u could get a mysterious old man random event every 30 seconds. it involved dropping a bronze wep or something and using a shrimp on it rofl or something.
family, big meal, gifts, decorations, tradition
You can't because rovio releases new levels almost every time ther's a special holiday
we could use less planes and dont go holiday every holiday we could use less planes and dont go holiday every holiday
Every Day Should Be a Holiday was created in 1997.
runescape... Well its RuneScape in every language but.. for fun I guess you could say Runa- Mundial. Which means RuneWorld.
Runescape is supported by every country, you may not have a server specifically for yours, but you can still play.