Yes. There will be all of the camo types from COD 4. They are also adding snow, and I think urban camo.
You cannot put on camo, but if you equip a gun from the Sniper Rifle section your character will be wearing a Ghillie suit, which provides better camouflage than standard clothes/outfits do on almost every map. but if you get a certain amount of headshots you get camo for guns!
The ACR or the AK-47 they are excellent
It depends on what are you good with.
on call of duty modern warfare 2: no you cannot get golden guns =( call of duty 6 is black ops not mw2 idiot far as the golden skins could be because there's a locked camo that you need 14 prestige to unlock
No, but you can Choose your Camo, and attachments
You cannot put on camo, but if you equip a gun from the Sniper Rifle section your character will be wearing a Ghillie suit, which provides better camouflage than standard clothes/outfits do on almost every map. but if you get a certain amount of headshots you get camo for guns!
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There was a update for the Camo on the shotguns and the gold desert eagle.
there is no camo for your secondary weapon, only for primary weapons, you get different camos for different amounts of headshots for each weapon. fall camo is the last one and it takes 250 headshots.
Its an assault gun
the g18
just get to the max level
There are 42 guns on the Multiplayer for Modern Warfare 2, plus the Riot Shield. Check them out at
umm no why would u ever that takes the fun out of it! theres camo for snipas