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Piplup is not in black or white. You will need to transfer it from another game.

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Q: Will piplup be in Pokemon Black and White?
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Where to find piplup in Pokemon y?

You will need to transfer Piplup from the older games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum to Black/White, then to the Pokebank) or trade for it.

What Pokemon Black and White episode does dawn come back in?

Pokémon Black and White: Rival Destinies Episode 38: Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!

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Where do you get a Piplup?

Here are the games and Piplup's location: (These exclude side Pokemon games)Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow: Piplup is not available in these versions, for it never existed then.Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal: Piplup is not available in these versions, for it never existed then.Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Piplup is not available in these versions, for it never existed then.Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: You start out as Piplup if you have chosen it as your starting Pokemon. If you did not, you'll need to trade for Piplup from a friend.Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver: You'll need to trade for Piplup with a friend.Pokemon Black/White: You'll need to trade for Piplup with a friend or transfer it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.Pokemon Black 2/White 2: You'll need to trade for Piplup with a friend or transfer it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.Pokemon X/Y: You'll need to trade for Piplup with a friend or using the GTS, or transfer it from the previous Pokemon games via Pokemon Transfer and Pokemon Bank.Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire: You'll need to defeat the Elite Four again, then activate the cut scene with Professor Birch in Route 101. He'll allow you to choose one of the three Sinnoh Starters, Piplup being one of them, to keep.

How do you get a victini in Pokemon indigo?

you cant. victini is only in black and white. just like you cant get a piplup in emerald because there was no such thing as a piplup in pokemon emerald so the people who made the game made sure that you could transfer pokemon from kanto, jhoto, hoenn, and sinnoh to unova, but not vice versa.

What type of Pokemon is Piplup?

Piplup is a Water type pokemon.

What is Piplup?

Piplup is a Pokemon. Piplup is the Penguin Pokemon. Piplup evolve into Prinplup which evolves into Empoleon. Piplup is one of the three starter Pokemon for the Sinnoh Region. Piplup is number 393 in the National Pokedex and Number 007 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.

What are the starters in Pokemon Diamond?

Turtwig (grass) Chimchar (fire) Piplup (water)

Where can you get another piplup on Pokemon Diamond?

Breed your piplup with a ditto. Or breed a femle piplup with another Pokemon from the same egg group as piplup.

Where do you find a piplup in Pokemon ruby?

Piplup is not found in Ruby.. Piplup wasn't created when they made Pokemon Ruby.

Where are the trainers that have piplup and mantyke in Pokemon Platinum?

ash,rock,and the girl who has a white hat

Where do you find piplup in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Piplup does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed.