Nope. If you wanna get a Grass type Wormadam, evolve it in a grassy area.
Give him a leaf a leaf stone. He will evolve.
No Ivysaur cannot evolve from the Leaf Stone you can only evolve it at level 32.
You can evolve Gloom by a sun stone, or a Leaf stone. Sun stone= Belossom Leaf stone= Vileplume
No, you cannot evolve Eevee with a leaf stone. It can evolve into the leaf type Pokemon, Leafeon, but it evolves by leveling it up in Eterna Forest in Pokemon Platinum
There are a whole bunch. I'm pretty sure i won't be covering all of them, but anyways here are the ones i know of off the top of my head: 1: A leaf stone can be used on Gloom to evolve it into a Vileplume. 2: A leaf stone can be used on Weepinbell to evolve it into a Victorybell. 3: A leaf stone can be used on Paras to evolve it into a Parasect. 4: A leaf stone can be used on Exeggcute to evolve it into a Exeggutor. And just to get this clear, Evee does not evolve into a leafeon with a leaf stone.
well burmy evolves at level 20 but if you give it a leaf stone it will evolve into wordaman
Give him a leaf a leaf stone. He will evolve.
weepin bell doesn't evolve at a certain level. you have to give it a leaf stone.
No Ivysaur cannot evolve from the Leaf Stone you can only evolve it at level 32.
Use a leaf stone on your Gloom. Ta-da! You now have Vileplume! OR use a Sun-Stone on it. Ta-da! BELLOSSOM!!!! To evolve it into a Vileplume, use a Leaf Stone. To evolve it into a Bellossom, use a Sun Stone.
You can evolve Gloom by a sun stone, or a Leaf stone. Sun stone= Belossom Leaf stone= Vileplume
Pansage will evolve by using a Leaf Stone into Simisage.
Seedot evolve into Nuzleaf at lv16. Nuzleaf evolve into Shiftry when you use Leaf Stone to him.
you have to get a leaf stone to evolve wormadam
It won't evolve until you've used a Leaf Stone on it.
When you want it. It evolves with Leaf stone.