The console will work. (Make sure you have a transformer for the voltage.) But you'll need to buy all your games in the UK.
Not fully.
Yes the controlers are not regon locked
Yoshi - 1991 VG was released on: Japan: 4 December 1991 (Famicom version) Japan: 12 December 1991 (Game Boy version) USA: June 1992 (Nintendo Entertainment System version) USA: July 1992 (Game Boy version) Germany: 17 December 1992 (Game Boy version) Italy: 17 December 1992 (Game Boy version) UK: 17 December 1992 (Game Boy version) Germany: 30 December 1992 (Nintendo Entertainment System version) Italy: 30 December 1992 (Nintendo Entertainment System version) UK: 30 December 1992 (Nintendo Entertainment System version) Japan: 6 March 2007 (Wii Virtual Console) UK: 16 May 2007 (Wii Virtual Console) Australia: 18 May 2007 (Wii Virtual Console) USA: 9 July 2007 (Wii Virtual Console) South Korea: 12 August 2008 (Wii Virtual Console) Japan: 31 August 2011 (3DS Ambassador program Virtual Console release) Australia: 1 September 2011 (3DS Ambassador program Virtual Console release) UK: 1 September 2011 (3DS Ambassador program Virtual Console release) USA: 1 September 2011 (3DS Ambassador program Virtual Console release) Japan: 22 August 2012 (3DS Virtual Console) USA: 21 February 2013 (3DS Virtual Console) UK: 2 May 2013 (3DS Virtual Console) Japan: 12 June 2013 (Wii U Virtual Console) USA: 12 June 2013 (Wii U Virtual Console) Australia: 13 June 2013 (Wii U Virtual Console) UK: 13 June 2013 (Wii U Virtual Console)
No, the Wii has a Regional Lock System which only allows it to play games from it's own country (UK, Germany, USA, not like Scotland, England, Wales), but people are no doubt working on a Regional Lock System Buster which will de-activate the locking.
Yes, It will I know i got an us console and i live in the united kingdom
yes they do ___________________________________________________________ If your trying to say, "Does US Format Wii Games Work On A UK Format Wii" Then no. Reason: UK Wii Have Different Formats than US Games.
Not fully.
Yes the controlers are not regon locked
Probally not or maybe?!?!?!?
It is not possible to play a US game on a UK console. However, a US console will work in the UK with only a UK power cable.
Wii controllers or remotes are not country or region locked. You can use controller from any country with any console.
Yes, if they are legitimate Wiimotes, and not an offbrand.
UK TV - Yes UK Games - No Result - You're gonna have to buy Wii games in Australia.
Look at it. If it is world edition, it would work, but no if it is a specified country
Of course... Wii peripherals work on any type of console its just like plugging in a controller if it fits in the socket or not...
Yes as long as you register it by doing the red button thing! :)
There is no air gun unless you are referring to the Wii Zapper. The Wii Zapper is a plastic attachment to your Wii Remote and Nunchuku. So there is no real electronic connection between them so it really doesn't matter what country your Wii remote is. So yes, it will work on all Wii Remotes. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn