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It will faint if the poison is not cured. You can tell when HP is lost when the screen flashes, a message will be displayed on the screen if/when the Pokemon faints.

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Q: Will a Pokemon die if you walk and it is poisoned?
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Why does your screen get wavy in Pokemon Diamond?

if any Pokemon in your last battle got poisoned when ever you walk the poisoned Pokemon loses health by poison an the screen gets wavy

Can a poisoned Pokemon become even more poisoned?

Yes. When a Pokemon becomes poisoned by an opponent's attack, and the Pokemon is already poisoned, the time the Pokemon is poisoned is lengthened to the normal time of the new poison (Time does not "add up").

In a Pokemon battle can a Pokemon be both attracted and poisoned?

yeah, itz the same as being confused and poisoned/burned/paralyzed

If you eat poisoned meat that you ate that is poisoned that you ate that is not not poisoned that you did not not eat that is poisoned and you ate the poisoned meat will you die?

Of course

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You use the Pecha Berry to heal a poisoned Pokemon.

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Sadly, quite easily. A poisoned stick insect will start to lose co-ordination in its legs, lose grip on branches and will eventually become unable to walk and die. This usually takes a few days and sadly, there's not much you can do to save a stick insect that has been poisoned.

Does a baby mouse die if they drink the mother's poisoned milk?

There is no such thing as "poisoned milk."

How did Thomas Howard die?

he was poisoned

Which Pokemon doesn't Get Effected By Poison?

Poison types are the only Pokemon that can't be poisoned. All there is to it

Why did Robert Holmes die?

He was poisoned by shellfish.