yes ditto can breed with any Pokemon group except for those in the no egg group
breed a ditto with a piplup, a prinplup, or an empoleon. or breed 2 piplup, prinplup, or empoleon.
if its a girl it will be a piplup if its a boy its whatever Pokemon its breeding with unless its a ditto
Yes you can. They are both part of the ground egg group. But you can breed any Pokemon (excluding legendaries) with ditto
ditto and phione could make an egg i tried to get my phione to my othe game so it could get in the pokedex but it didnt work because name was in Japanese so i made an egg
Ditto or another Empoleon.
you have to have a ditto and prinplup or empoleon
breed a ditto with a piplup, a prinplup, or an empoleon. or breed 2 piplup, prinplup, or empoleon.
yes ditto can breed with empoleon
Yes you can. After some time, you will get a Piplup egg.
if its a girl it will be a piplup if its a boy its whatever Pokemon its breeding with unless its a ditto
a piplup will come out at lv 1 its just like other Pokemon you breed with ditto so its pretty cool i have 10 charizards
A Dragonair and a Ditto will have a Dratini egg.
Yes you can. They are both part of the ground egg group. But you can breed any Pokemon (excluding legendaries) with ditto
you cant make an egg with Garatina.