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Try pressing the sync button on the console and on the board if it doesnt work first time press them both for five seconds and keep trying

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Q: Wii fit board light flashing but board not working?
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What do you do if your Wii is flashing?

if the disc reader is lighting, turn on the wii and go to the Wii Message Board it means that you have a new message

How do you sync a wii fit board?

you first have to flip over the board and open the battery compartment then you will see a little red button. Then go to your wii and open the compartment where you put your SD card ( in the front) and press the red button. go back to the board and press the red button you found earlier and press the button. if you do not see the blue power light flashing in the back of the balance board, you need to replace your batteries

Why does the remote flash blue on the wii?

The flashing blue lights on the wiimote means the wiimote is sending a signal to find and synchronize with a local Wii console. Whenever the wiimote does not find a powered-on wii console that it is synchronized to, the wiimote will only flash blue lights for a short time. Only when the wiimote connects to a Wii console will the flashing stop and keep one light on to indicate what player the wiimote is controlling. Furthermore the flashing lights also indicate how much battery life remains. Four flashing lights indicates full battery life while one flashing light means very low battery life.

How do you reset the Wii balance board?

you reset the wii and it'll reset the wii balance board

Can you connect your Wii fit board on a friends Wii?

Yes, unless your not at where your friends Wii is, or if the game your playing doesn't use the Wii Balance Board.

Related questions

What do you do if your Wii is flashing?

if the disc reader is lighting, turn on the wii and go to the Wii Message Board it means that you have a new message

Why does a Wii's CD inserter flash when not on?

That's wii connect 24 doing its job. You see when that starts flashing this means your Wii is receiving an update you can check exactly what update your getting by checking your wii message board.

How do you sync a wii fit board?

you first have to flip over the board and open the battery compartment then you will see a little red button. Then go to your wii and open the compartment where you put your SD card ( in the front) and press the red button. go back to the board and press the red button you found earlier and press the button. if you do not see the blue power light flashing in the back of the balance board, you need to replace your batteries

How can you turn on the WiiConnect24?

Once your Wii is hooked up to the internet go under Wii options and find WiiConnect24 in your internet options turn it on and it will ask what light do you want your Wii to use Dim or Bright, see when your wii updates using wiiconnect24 the disc part of the wii will start turning blue and flashing this is the wii telling you that the wii is currently receiving some kind of update you can find the update on your message board usually.

Why does the remote flash blue on the wii?

The flashing blue lights on the wiimote means the wiimote is sending a signal to find and synchronize with a local Wii console. Whenever the wiimote does not find a powered-on wii console that it is synchronized to, the wiimote will only flash blue lights for a short time. Only when the wiimote connects to a Wii console will the flashing stop and keep one light on to indicate what player the wiimote is controlling. Furthermore the flashing lights also indicate how much battery life remains. Four flashing lights indicates full battery life while one flashing light means very low battery life.

How do you fix your Wii balance board when it's lights aren't flashing at all and it's batteries are new and work?

Most likely you need to change its batteries.

Why does your Wii light flash blue?

When it does that, check out your Wii Message Board, Nintendo & Games that message you usually send messages at night

How do you reset the Wii balance board?

you reset the wii and it'll reset the wii balance board

How do you get the wii to go from yellow light to red light?

Well, why would you want it to? An orange light means the Wii console is off, but WiiConnect24 is still on and working. If the light is red, the Wii console is off, but WiiConnect24 is off or not working properly. And, duh! I bet you already knew this but green or blue light means Wii is on. I think you would prefer the orange light. but if you really wanna know... Go to setting on your Wii and turn off WiiConnect24. That's how you get it to go red, but I'm warning that's not a good thing.

When was Wii Balance Board created?

Wii Balance Board was created in 2007.

Do you need a board for Wii fit?

yes you need a wii fit board to play wii fit

Do you have to have a Wii balance board for Wii fit plus?

Yes It Is impossible to play Wii fit plus without the Wii balance board.