because she doesnt it wasnt made for her to teach mimic she only gives you the magnet train pass
go to celadon market and get a poke doll, give it to the mimic girl and she will give you a TMI think that was the answer in Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, And Leaf GreenBut, In gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, and SoulsilverCopycat's lost pokedoll is on the table at the Vermillion City Fan Club. Talkto the guy by the table and he will give you the pokedoll to return to Copycat in Saffron City.
nothing really happens when you show her a mime jr.
You can only teach it in Emerald with a move tutor sorry :(
She is in Saffron city. Her house looks different than most of the houses there. She will be upstairs.
(first, you must fix the power plant near cerulean.) You must give the copycat girl in saffron city her lost doll. Talk to her, and she will mimic you, saying that you will go find the doll for her. Go to vermillion city, and enter the Pokemon fan club. Talk to the guy at the table with the clefairy doll. He will give you the doll. Return it to the copycat girl, and she will give the magnet train pass.
hive the copycat girl in saffron city a poke doll and she will teach one of your Pokemon mimic
Suwoodoo learns it and jigglypuff and clefairy
from the copycat
No it's impossible to teach Gyarados mimc unless you use an action replay which can distort you game permanently.
she's in saffron city
in a house in saffron city next to the tall blue building
go to celadon market and get a poke doll, give it to the mimic girl and she will give you a TMI think that was the answer in Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, And Leaf GreenBut, In gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, and SoulsilverCopycat's lost pokedoll is on the table at the Vermillion City Fan Club. Talkto the guy by the table and he will give you the pokedoll to return to Copycat in Saffron City.
you can get a jiggly puff in the safari zone that knows mimic or you can go to a department store, go to the TM floor and look for mimic
nothing really happens when you show her a mime jr.
You find the copycat in safforon city you talk to her and then go to Viriden city and go into the Fan club and then talk to the guy with the toy Clafairy and then give it to her
Talk to Copycat in Saffron and she'll wan't you to go to the Vermillion fan club, get the pokedoll and exit. Steven Stone will be waiting...