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(first, you must fix the power plant near cerulean.)

You must give the copycat girl in saffron city her lost doll. Talk to her, and she will mimic you, saying that you will go find the doll for her. Go to vermillion city, and enter the Pokemon fan club. Talk to the guy at the table with the clefairy doll. He will give you the doll. Return it to the copycat girl, and she will give the magnet train pass.

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Q: How do you fix the magnet train in Pokemon soul silver?
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Where is the magnet train in Pokemon soul silver?

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After you beat the Pokemon League you can travel to the Kanto via the magnet train in Goldenrod City

What do you do when you get the magnet train pass on soul silver?

You can now use the train from kanto to johto.

What to do in goldenrod city after riding on the magnet train in Pokemon soul silver?

If u never beat red then go to mt.silver vs him that it really

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You have to love and train your Pokemon.

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Mt. Silver or the Pokemon league

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use the best player you have got

Where is copycat in Pokemon Soul Silver?

Saffron City Her house used to be the Train Station, but now you go down 1 street, and it is in 1 of the houses , right in front of the Magnet Train Station.

How do you get a level 100 Pokemon on Pokemon soul silver?

train, or rare candy