The reasons why your Rayquaza isn't migrating to Diamond could be the following reasons:
1. Your Diamond game card or your Ruby game pak could be fakes.
2. You haven't unlocked the migration feature in "Diamond" yet.
3. Your Rayquaza knows a HM such as Fly or is holding mail.
No, you have to migrate it from Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire. No, you have to migrate it from Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire.
Registeel is unobtainable from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. You have to migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
You cannot catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl. You will have to have caught it on Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and migrated it to Pearl. Then you have to catch it at Pal cant catch rayquaza in pearl. you can only migrate from ruby,sapphire,or emerald or use cheat with action replay. you have to migrate it from ether Pokemon rudy/sapphire or emerald To get a Rayquaza in Pokemon Pearl you will need to trade with Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. To access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver you need to show Professor Oak a Kyorge and Groudon. This will give the player a Jade Orb that can be used at the Embedded Tower to access Rayquaza in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. This Rayquaza can be captured and then traded to Pokemon Pearl.
Migrate from Emerald, sapphire, ruby, or trade with heartgold and soulsilver
You'll need to migrate it to the Pal Park from Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, or can not you must trade or migrate
You can't find Rayquaza it in pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum. You just migrate it in Pokemon Emerald, ruby and saphirer
You will need to migrate from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
migrate from emerald , ruby or the othertrade it on the global trade station
Migrate it from ruby, sapphire or emerald then go to the pal park you will be able to catch it in the park.
you have to have Pokemon ruby to migrate it
No, you have to migrate it from Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire. No, you have to migrate it from Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire.
You can only get Rayquaza in Pokemon Diamond by trading it from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. The Rayquaza is a very powerful flying dragon type Pokemon.
migrate it from ruby/sapphire.
if you mean can you get Pokemon from pearl and diamond and trade them to ruby so you can get diamond and pearl Pokemon on ruby. then no you can not. but you can migrate ruby Pokemon. you put the Pokemon in ruby that you want to put on diamond or pearl in the PC. save it turn off. then go to diamond and migrate them. must be in ds at the same time. pal park.
you have to migrate it from sapphire/ruby/emerald
You have to migrate them from saphire, ruby or emerald.
migrate from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald