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One possible problem could be wear and tear on the internals of the game cartridge. This is more likely if the game was bought used or if the game used to save properly but now does not. If the game never saved properly and was not bought from a reputable seller, it is possible that it is a fake copy of the game. A few telltale signs are the cartridge itself not being red and slightly transparent or the label being crooked or not shiny. Despite common beliefs, this is not an issue with the battery. With Pokemon Ruby, the internal battery of the cartridge only controls the internal clock. While clock-based events, such as berries growing, will not function if the battery is not working, saving is completely unaffected.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

it could be fake,

you can tell if its fake by simply looking at the game cartridge,

if your ruby is not a ruby coloured cartridge then there is a high chance that it is fake and that it might not save

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I don't think you are able to fix it but you can try to trade in for a used Pokemon ruby and see if it works.

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I don't know. But, In Pokemon Ruby... I think there's only groudon... Not kyogre. So no way to get kyogre in Ruby. But, I think If legendary pokemon can be trade. You should trade from your save on Pokemon Sapphire or Pokemon Emerald. Hope this help... ~AquaBlitz11

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i think the save chip in the cart s broken i don't think you can fix it

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if you mean can you get Pokemon from pearl and diamond and trade them to ruby so you can get diamond and pearl Pokemon on ruby. then no you can not. but you can migrate ruby Pokemon. you put the Pokemon in ruby that you want to put on diamond or pearl in the PC. save it turn off. then go to diamond and migrate them. must be in ds at the same time. pal park.

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You can not! you wont to trade with ruby or emerald. or if you are playng in vba emulator you can use cheat. it wont save Pokemon game?

You go to the menu hit save and you cant leave the site you can shrink it