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Some games don't have cheats or you need a new kernel from R4.ds.cin get the 1.18 or 1.17 version

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Q: Why won't my R4 cheats work?
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Look On You Tube and type in cheats for r4nds

Work on the how do the cheats on the r4?

go on to and on their is should tell you how.

Does ar work on r4?

I dont know? When i put ar cheats in r4 it does not work... Good question you asked. Please answer this anyone

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you need an r4 an ace card etc to get cheats or hack in to your chip to get cheats on one of these chips go to Google and type Pokemon pearl cheats for r4.

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you have to have a R4.Which will give you lots of cheats

Cheats on R4?

to put chetas onto your r4 you first must download the cheats or buy an action replay card to use the cheats you downloaded you put them in your r4 system folder and make sure it is a dat file

V1.18 for r4 still wont work?

go on to geta special kernel

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how do u get cheats for ur r4 chip

Do action replay cards work fo R4 cards?

No, a action replay doesn't work on MY r4 card i have a super card one in don't know of it works on other r4s If you have a normal r4, you don't need a action replay because the r4 already has a built-in action replay but not all the games have cheats. The cheats r only for certain games that u got or that came with the r4 ----------------------------------------- Mine works : Here is a manual how to use it properly with a R4 or M3 And Action replay isn`t just because of the cheats : It is for the extra characters/pokemon that come with it too. ~Scout

How do you put cheats onto your r4?

there already on it

Does a Japanese animal crossing wild world work on an American DS?

Yes it does but some cheats that are on the Japanese game may not work I have it on a R4 and if I enable any cheats then I can't play ACWW!!! :-(