you do apparently have an illegal version of Halo. get the legal version of halo to play the campaign.
Let it Validate
* I think your computer has issues.
Because the mac wont let u download combat arms what i mean is that the program wont let u download and u need to download windows like hack from you-tube
Runes of magic has nothing to do with Runescape, and no wont can tell you the answer if you don't be more specific.
the woozworld wont let me in their is a guard standing and the guard is updating is the woozworld never gonna let me in forever?
That means your game is scratched or your xbox can't read it.
If youhave the "Halo 3 Mythic" it does not let you play campaign but if you have "halo 3" your disc is broken but on halo 3 mythic campaign isn't on that disc. Add me on xbox live im Mr quiggels
you need to have gold membership.silver members arent allowed to play live
Make sure your Family Settings allow you to play Xbox Games on live.
Yes, but some games, like Halo 3 will not let you play co-op campaign through xbox live and will not let you use theater.
In my opinion, Halo 3, because the storyline is better (partially because it continuing the story from 1 and 2). Halo Reach's campaign is still good, but should've been a bit longer. Anyway, don't let me decide for you, make your own decision :)
well you defiantly can play solo on Halo fact that's all i played
Either their is something wrong with your internat or your halo custom edition is stuffed because it does let you play maybe you need to reinstall halo custom edition.
Halo3 should let you play big team if you have all the download able content.You should make you you have all the downloaded content, and that it is all downloaded properly, and it should work.
Let you play the multiplayer Beta of Halo Reach. If anyone could add a bit more then thanks
Refresh the page.
we stared dancing and nought put us into our grove but now he's with somebody new what dose a blond need to do and i say let the music play we wont get away just keep the grove and it will all come back to you let it play let the music play we wont get away.