

Best Answer

It is broken. Take it to a repair shop or buy a new one.

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Q: Why won't My rock band guitar turn on?
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Can a guitar hero guitar for wii work with a rock band game?

No it wont work

Why wont your Guitar Hero guitars work with rock band?

you can use the ps2 one's

Why wont my guitar turn on?

Because you rock soo much that it melted the wireing!!

Will Guitar Hero cordless guitar work on rock band?

Depends which system if its 360 or ps2 it will work but for wii and ps3 it wont

Why isn't my guitar hero drum set working with rock band 2?

You have to do a game update, so you need internet for your console , them the guitar hero drums work on rock band2, rock band 1 game wont work with guitar hero drums but you should be able to buy the export key and transfer the songs onto rock band 2

Does Guitar Hero 3 guitar on PS2 work with Guitar Hero world tour and aerosmith if they're on the wii?

No, sorry but it does not. for further guitar hero or rock band questions email me at my guitar hero rock band question and answer email at( i promise you i wont spam or bug i really just love talking about guitar

Will the rock band ps2 wireless guitar work on the rock band 2 xbox 360?

no they wont cause the ps3 controller doesnt have the 360 button on it nothing will work except prolly the mic

Will Guitar Hero 3 game work with all Guitar Hero guitars?

Yes as long as there all for the same system*with the exception of the rcokband guitar) for further guitar hero or rock band questions email me at my guitar hero rock band question and answer email at( i promise you i wont spam or bug i really just love talking about guitar

Why won't my guitar hero wii controller work with rock band?

Because the Wii Rock Band Drums are not backwards compatible with Guitar Hero World Tour. If you want backwards compatibility Buy a xbox 360 and the equipment for it.

Will rock band 2 for ps2 work with guitar hero world tour instruments for ps2?

yes and no. the drum kit wont work on guitar hero's because it has symbals the mic will and the guitar will but it hasn't got a neck slider

Will guitar hero work with rock band guitar on playstation 2?

never ever ever, ive treid by thousands of attempts and the stratocaster guitar wont respond to the game. sorry all hope is lost for that hope of yours..

Do you have to use the pedal in Rock Band?

no it won't work because the drums were only used in the following guitar hero's so legends of rock will not recognize it as a controller. and there are also no tabs for drums in legends of rock. so i think you need to stick with your guitar at this game.