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Because Trunks was from the future when they were fighting a lot of people like android 13,14 and 15.

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Q: Why was trunks older than gohan at one point?
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Is gohon older than trunks?

trunks is 25 gohan is 27

Who is stronger trunks or ultimate gohan?

Gohan is way stronger than Trunks.

Who is strong gohan or trunks?

they are both pretty strong but gohan is stronger than trunks

Who is stronger trunks or gohan?

gohan is stronger than trunk gohan can go super saiyan 2 and trunk too but gohan is stronger EDIT:trunks is stronger because trunks beat frieza and king cold no sweat while gohan counldnt put a scratch on frieza

Is trunks older or is goten older?

In strength it would be Trunks because he is older than Goten but at near Buu saga and at the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai they had an equal strength also in smartness Trunks also has the advantage but in popularity in the real world Goten is more preferred than Trunks

Is trunks older than goten from dragon ball z?

Trunks is older that Goten by a year. -

Does trunks kiss pan?

NO. Trunks is 15 years older than Pan. That would make Trunks a pedophile.

Is Videl older than Gohan?

Videl in the anime seem as the same age as Gohan but because Gohan went in to the Hoibolic Time Chamber, he is likely younger than Videl

Is goten stronger or gohan?

Gohan is stronger because he can super saiyan 2 and Goten can't also Gohan trained a lot longer than Goten.Goten can only go above super saiyan one when fused with Trunks.

Will Pan and Trunks ever be a couple?

No, considering Trunks is 15 years older than Pan.

Which character in Dragon Ball Z is stronger than Naruto?

Goku,Vegeta,Gohan,Goten,Trunks...even Chichi can own one of them.

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