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mostly for gaming but also for shopping and chatting

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Q: Why was the xbox 360 created?
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Related questions

Wen was the xbox-360 created?

The xbox 360 was created it was created

Where was xbox360 created?

Microsoft created the idea of the Xbox 360 in Redmond, Washington.. but the Xbox 360 was manufactured in China.

How do you get rid of viruses on your Xbox 360 console?

There have been no viruses created for the Xbox 360.

What is the name of the people who found the Xbox 360?

Microsoft created the Xbox 360 and therefore are the founders.

Which gaming system was created by Microsoft?

Xbox and Xbox 360

Who created Xbox 360?


When was the xbox 360 created?

in 2007

Is there Pokemon games for xbox 360?

There are no Pokemon games for the Xbox 360. Pokemon is a series created by Nintendo, so no Pokemon games will ever appear on the Xbox 360.

Who created xbox 360 website?


Who created the xbox 360 and what is his address?


Who was Xbox made by?

The Xbox (R) and Xbox 360 (R), were created, and sold by Microsoft corporation.

Company that owns the Xbox 360?

Microsoft created the X box 360.