Eight was afraid of nine because nine "ate/eight" seven, or afraid of seven because seven eight nine, more common
there is no nine and eight island.. however there is a piece of in-game text for 8 & 9 island... you can only get there by action replay or game shark though... look on bulbapedia and type in firered and leaf green (game) and then click around on sevii isles it will tell u about them. to get to bulbapedia go on google and type bulbapedia in. simple!
A ten letter word would be 'banalities'. A nine letter word 'stainable'. An eight letter word 'Italians and absentia'
There is no nine letter word in English using those letters; you can make the eight letter words hotsauce and cathouse.
Well you have to get nine lives. Then in that level die eight times then there wiil be a green box hit and luigi does the level for you
People are afraid of cobra and copperhead snakes. They also are afraid of crocodiles and cougars.
Because seven eight nine.
because seven eight nine...
seven ate nine
because seven looks like a weapon because seven eight nine (seven 'ate' nine) boom boom boom ching lol =D
Nine million, eight hundred nine thousand, eight hundred twenty one.It is nine million eight hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty one.
hey hey two plus two equals four defend the four with a mighty eight why is 6 afraid of seven cause seven eight nine hahahahahah
Eight million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight in numerals is: 8,999,998
nine and ninety-eight hundredthsnine point nine eight
The sum of (eight and nine tenths) plus (nine and eight tenths) is (eighteen and seven tenths). 8.9 + 9.8 = 18.7
Because seven was hungry and "seven ate nine" (7, 8, 9). ( Get it ?..... Eight sounds like ate...)
It is seventy-eight and nine tenths.
eight-nine hundredths as a percent = 809%eight-nine hundredths = 8.098.09 * 100% = 809%