u buy them... DUHHH! isnt it obviouse??
The best thing to do is keep refreshing the page. That is basically all you can do. This has been going on for ages, I once couldn't log onto Club Penguin for 4 days because of the 'blue screen of death'. If you email Club Penguin support, they can give you advice on what to do. Also, I once left my computer for an hour with the 'blue screen of death' and eventually Club Penguin popped up...but my computer died. (That wasn't to do with Club Penguin. That was because the charger was switched off.)
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
there isnt one
there isnt one
If you want a code, you have to by a club penguin item, in a store that ISNT online.
no it isn't
There isnt one
No he isnt
there isnt supposed to be a volcano
u buy them... DUHHH! isnt it obviouse??
There isnt 1 entire code there is multiple.
There isnt any information online about "The Penguin Club", however the Club Penguin, the online multiplayer game is based in a virtual world, created by New Horizon Interactive games.
no there isnt Sorry
no there isnt! then only secret doors are in the dance club and 2 others.