the primary ones are: iron skull, black eye skull, tough luck skull, catch skull, cloud skull, famine skull, thunderstorm skull, tilt skull, mythic skull and the secondary ones are: blind skull, cowbell skull, gruntbirthday party skull, iwhbyd skull and all of them are accessible from the start so you dont have to look for them. hope i helped :P
it is very complicated to get the skull, you have to watch videos on how to get the skull
What is the skull
Level 2: Bat-Vampire-Bear-Skull Level 3: Bat-Bear-Bear-Bat-Bat Level 4: Skull-Bear-Bat-Bear-Vampire Level 5: Bear-Bear-Skull-Skull-Skull Level 6: Bat-Vampire-Vampire-Skull-Bear Level 7: Vampire-Skull-Bat-Vampire-Skull
Level 2 bat, vampire, teddy, teddy, skull Level 3 bat, teddy, teddy, bat, bat Level 4 skull, teddy, bat, teddy, vampire Level 5 teddy, teddy, skull, skull, skull Level 6 bat, vampire, vampire, skull, teddy Level 7 vampire, skull, bat, vampire, skull
its oat meal its lumpy
The orphans ate lumpy, cold oatmeal day after day. That old matress is lumpy and uncomfortable. If the cake batter is lumpy, keep stirring it.
clay is lumpy.
No. Lumpy is an adjective. The noun is lumpiness.
Lumpy Money was created in 1967.
Lumpy Stevens died in 1819.
Lumpy Stevens was born in 1735.
Some is lumpy, most are smooth.
There is one adjective, "lumpy."
lumpy bumbs are monkeys with purple bumbs
Lumpy Gravy was created on 1967-08-07.
Kiwi is not lumpy it just have black little seeds and it is very very great.