This is because you have to go in the cave at the top of the town then the gym will open.
Sootopolis city.
Underwater around sootopolis city and mossdeep city
In the sootopolis city gym.
you get it at cave of origin but you have to beat the gym leader of sootopolis city to use it on the waterfall to ever grande city
erwater cavern surrounding sootopolis city
in sootopolis city
sootopolis city
sootopolis city
underwater near sootopolis city
Sootopolis city.
Underwater around sootopolis city and mossdeep city
Underwater, in the grass outside Sootopolis City.
you dive at route 128 by sootopolis city
Sootopolis city but you cannot go in.
sootopolis city
It's in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis city.
In the sootopolis city gym.