Listen to the lyrics. They say F@#! and S#!@ and STU--F.....and sex references in the lyrics like "Touch me, baby..."
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was the first game to be rated E10+.
for fantasy voilence
ESRB didnt rate it. Everyone agrees it's e10
Portal 2 is a co-op game rated E10+
No most are rated mature and only some for the DS and PS2 are rated Teen and the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of those games are rated mature also
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was the first game to be rated E10+.
for fantasy voilence
It is rated E10+
The ESRB rated it E10, which is a 'U' in the UK.
E10 and up
Maybe it's hard or to exciting for younger kids
ESRB didnt rate it. Everyone agrees it's e10
the game is rated e10+ with mild language and fantasy violence
Shadow the Hedgehog has an E10+ ESRB rating.
It involves shooting items. Still, in my opinion, it should be rated E10+.
Not as of yet. The closest so far is "Shadow the Hedgehog", which was rated E10+ due to swearing and violence.