many people have been asking nentendo for diffrent color wii's as the white one is a bit boring.
Red, white and black
So far the Wii only has two colors. White and Black.
Wii remote plus is black and wii remote is white and less advanced but also less expensive
it shouldn't be black and white.if this is the only game that has this problem then go return it where u bought it.if all the wii games are like this then make sure the wii is plugged in right. hoped this helped!
black wiis have bad graphics cause me and my best friend can see better siting on the floor and i have a white wii and its way better than black wiis and my best friend has a black wii and white looks better than black cause you can see dust on black wiis so throw away a black wii or trade it in for a white wii
Yes. the white controller and the black controller use the same hardware.
i think it is a wii which is black instead of white
No, Pokémon Black and White are on Nintendo DS.
No not straight away as the white wii is old than you have to pay a little bit of money for the black but at game they do it with wii sport resort and it is worth it
the black one is WAY BETTER!
no because all the wii's are white
Because the new black wii comes with the motion plus, wii resort, and wii sports I doubt it unless you got the white wii with that. But probably not.
The Nintendo Wii is in Black & White so Nintendo can reach more customers by giving them more choice in what colour they would like.
Yes, any Wii remote can connect to any Wii (as well as Wii U)