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because he shows compassion and destroys their are two herobrines the soul and the demon possesed husk the soul simply watches sometimes helps the husk is possesed by demons and is worshiped by cultists

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Q: Why is herobrine evil and nice?
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What is Herobrine is he real and what does he do?

Herobrine is not a myth! He is real, I have seen him before! And he is not evil either! When will people get it right!

What is herobrine in Minecraft?

Herobrine is a myth that most people refer to him as a monster with Steve skin, white eyes and evil brother of notch

How was herobrine killed?

Herobrine was Notch's evil brother who had killed many players. To put an end to this Notch killed Herobrine making Minecraft safe. I hope this helped Minecraftergal signing out!

Where is hero brine?

Herobrine is Notch's evil brother. Herobrine has a steve skin and white glowing eyes. Herobrine is known for going onto people's worlds and killing them. I hoped this helped.

How do you spawn herobrine in Minecraft in creative?

First it wasn't really in a game, but a Easter egg they say herobrine is notch evil brother and he want to take revenge and herobrine is kind of a developers joke BUT he became part of the game.

Why does herobrine hate Steve from minecraft?

well i dont know but they are not the same because there bodies are the same but the evil eyes of herobrine are just white like a zombie and steves eyes are human just if you wanna know why herobrines eyes are just white is because he is notches(creator of minecraft)dead brother i really worry too much i have nightmares :(

Do you have to worry about herobrine in Minecraft?

No. There is no Herobrine in Minecraft.

Why Herobrine From MineCraft Hates People?

herobrine doesn't hate people, because he is evil. he has no mind, no thinking ability, the myth was he was posessed by a enderman. and herobrine has the abilities of a enderman, such as teleporting, (especially when you come near) removing blocks and placing them, and so on and so forth. plus some jackass made him a virus in minecraft to annoy and terrify the living hell out of people. this answer your question? ;)

How did Herobrine in minec raft turn evil?

herobrine is a bad version of Steve. Steve was mining and got hit by lighting he quickly fled but fall into lava

Why is Herobrine a misnomer?

Herobrine is a misnomer because the first 2 syllables is "hero" and Herobrine is'nt a hero, he's actually a villain. Brine is the short form Herobrine.

How do you avoid Herobrine?

Whichever Herobrine mod you are using will say how to make Herobrine appear and what you can do what he does, each mod will be different.

Is Victoria Justice evil?

no, she is nice