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Whichever Herobrine mod you are using will say how to make Herobrine appear and what you can do what he does, each mod will be different.

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What is the best way to avoid herobrine in Minecraft?

play minecraft.... he doesn't exist xD

Do you have to worry about herobrine in Minecraft?

No. There is no Herobrine in Minecraft.

Why is Herobrine a misnomer?

Herobrine is a misnomer because the first 2 syllables is "hero" and Herobrine is'nt a hero, he's actually a villain. Brine is the short form Herobrine.

What is Herobrine is he real and what does he do?

Herobrine is not a myth! He is real, I have seen him before! And he is not evil either! When will people get it right!

Is Herobrine in Minecraft 1.1?

No, Herobrine has never been in Vanilla and is a fictional mob. There are mods, however, that put Herobrine into the game.

Did they really remove Herobrine for Minecraft?

Herobrine was never in Minecraft. It was just a joke from Notch. He never had a brother named Herobrine.

How do you spawn herobrine in 1.2.5?

In order to spawn Herobrine in Minecraft 1.3.2 you have to download the mod "Herobrine". Just Google "minecraft herobrine mod

Is herobrine on PC 2013?

No Herobrine is not on the PC for minecraft This Year 2013 i believe herobrine was in the game at a very early date of the game

What happens when you kill herobrine 3 times?

The exact behaviour of the Herobrine in your game, is determined by whichever of the many Herobrine mods you are using.

How strong is herobrine in 1.4.6?

Herobrine's strength entirely depends on which mod you have.

Is herobrine an mod for PC minecraft?

There are probably many Herobrine mods out there.

Did 4J Studios Remove Herobrine From Minecraft?

Herobrine was never in Minecraft.