Crude humor is not really the rating it is T which is for teens and adolescents. The crude humor is what the game contains. In case you don't know what crude humor is, it's strong, inappropriate, offensive and simply rude humor that isn't really all that funny to some people. An example is burping. That is what you call crude or rude as most people call it. In Super Smash Bros Brawl, there's not just violence there also a lot of crude humor too. Some of the people on the game (the characters) will actually fart which is one of their moves. An example is Wario. He is pretty gross, he's the worst for crude humor. He farts, he picks his nose, and he scratches his butt which is pretty nasty. Other characters do similar things. Also, some of the princess characters like peach, her underwear shows when her dress goes up. You'll also notice that when you're using her in a game and when you pause it you'll see her underwear. There are many reasons why it is rated crude humor, if you have played the game you'll see what I'm talking about.
Well that is because of mild language and crude humor and violence and stuff like that. What type of language you ask, well im still trying to figure that one out.v ;-)
You need to have a good sense of humor and a good imagination to have fun in any situation.
For Cartoon Violence and Crude Humor.
Crude or even worse, sexual crude humor. I can't stand either of these. I have a LARGE sense of humor, in fact, my dad says that I would laugh at a cat crossing the street, so if I don't think something is funny, it's probably crude or sexual crude humor!!
Yes, crude humor usually includes inappropriate or offensive words as well as inappropriate or offensive contexts.
super humor is humor that is so funny youroll around on the ground laughing
That is crude humor meaning violent, harsh, wrong or other things
True crude humor cannot be put here in an example and not violate the rules of the site. But maybe something like: Why don't little girls fart? A: "Because the don't have (insert crude word for the anus) until they are married" That is crude, and not even funny in my opinion.
crass, toilet humor, potty humor, not humor
probaly pg for some crude humor and launuage
All) frightening images and crude humor
Unfortunately, you can not play as Bowser in Super Mario 64 N64, or Super Mario 64 DS.But, you can play as Bowser in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii, and in Super Smash Bros. MeleeGAMECUBE. [ CAUTION: SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL AND MELEE ARE BOTH RATED T FOR TEENS FOR SOME CRUDE HUMOR, AND CARTOON VIOLENCE]
7) crude humor and mild launuage
wellz it depends on who tellin tha joke